
  • The Anatomy of a Perfect Crime Novel: Deconstructing Classic Mysteries

    The Anatomy of a Perfect Crime Novel: Deconstructing Classic Mysteries

    Crime fiction has long captivated readers with its intricate plots, compelling characters, and thrilling twists. Behind every successful crime novel lies a carefully constructed framework of elements that keep readers eagerly turning the pages. In this article, I will delve into the anatomy of a perfect crime novel by deconstructing classic mysteries and examining the…

  • Mastering the Art of Crime Fiction Writing: Techniques from Top Authors

    Mastering the Art of Crime Fiction Writing: Techniques from Top Authors

    Crime fiction writing is a captivating genre that allows authors to explore the depths of human nature while weaving intricate plots filled with suspense and intrigue. From creating compelling characters to crafting clever twists, mastering the art of crime fiction writing requires skill, creativity, and attention to detail. In this article, we’ll delve into some…

  • Exploring Some Popular Crime Writers of 2024

    Exploring Some Popular Crime Writers of 2024

    Crime fiction remains one of the most beloved genres, captivating readers with its intricate plots, compelling characters, and thrilling twists. In 2024, the literary landscape is brimming with talented authors who continue to redefine and elevate the genre. From bestselling veterans to emerging voices, these crime fiction writers have captured the imaginations of readers around…

  • SLURRY – Now Available in AudioBook

    I can’t tell you how many people have asked for audiobook versions of the novels. It’s something that has been on my radar for years. Last week, I was invited to participate in a pilot from Amazon where they would convert my novels to an audio format and make them available on Audible! The program…

  • Two New Novels Coming Soon!

    I have two new novels drafted! They are both in the revision process now. I expect to release one this year, and the other in 2025. Look for another announcement later this year that will have a planned release date and detailed synopsis for the first novel. My anticipated 2024 release is a novel with…