Author: Josh Boldt

  • MONEYMAKER is Coming June 6th

    MONEYMAKER is Coming June 6th

    I am excited to announce my third novel, Moneymaker, will be published on June 6th! Hard to believe it has been almost four years since my last book came out. If you read Slurry, then you will recognize some of the characters in Moneymaker. Here is the synopsis: Mack Abbott is fresh out of the…

  • SLURRY – Now Available in AudioBook

    I can’t tell you how many people have asked for audiobook versions of the novels. It’s something that has been on my radar for years. Last week, I was invited to participate in a pilot from Amazon where they would convert my novels to an audio format and make them available on Audible! The program…

  • Two New Novels Coming Soon!

    I have two new novels drafted! They are both in the revision process now. I expect to release one this year, and the other in 2025. Look for another announcement later this year that will have a planned release date and detailed synopsis for the first novel. My anticipated 2024 release is a novel with…

  • Where is Our Fruit?

    Thoreau captures so perfectly the philosophy inherent within the changing of the seasons. From his journal, here he elucidates a sense of urgency that rings true as I enter my 43rd August. What means this sense of lateness that so comes over one now,–as if the rest of the year were down-hill, and if we…

  • Ranking the Best Elmore Leonard Novels

    Elmore Leonard is one of my writing heroes. He is a major influence on my own novels. The man’s prolificity makes it a challenge to tackle his entire catalog–he wrote 45 novels over a 60-year writing career. He published almost a novel a year for six decades. In some years he even published two books.…